A Simple Tip to Beat the Heat
One thing is for certain: The ideal summer day includes lots of time spent outdoors.
Summer is fully expanding, and with extra daylight comes sweltering heat. Whether you fancy an early-morning bike ride or a day by the beach, a backyard barbecue or a cool, crisp beer on the back nine, you likely sweat under the sun a lot more than you realize. Heat depletes the body of vital fluids and salts. If you expect to perform at peak level during summer, you must take special care to rehydrate throughout the day.
Even in the controlled climate at Yoga Odyssey, you’ll notice you leave class much sweatier. You may feel more lethargic, too, as all the extra sweating causes your body to cool off less efficiently. During summer, hot yoga for some people is just too demanding. For most of us, however, a little awareness goes a long way. Small changes add up to a big difference.
More than half the human body is made up of water, most of which is stored in the muscles. The body needs water to transport nutrients, cushion the joints and organs and regulate blood flow and core temperature. Even if you hide under an umbrella or a wide-brimmed hat, the heat outside will cause you to sweat. Your body’s internal A/C is on full-blast during summer regardless of how much you sweat. This quickly evaporates the body’s water reserves.
Hydration for hot yogis is especially important. Students leave hot weather for an even hotter class, only to return to hot weather with very little relief. When we practice yoga and the body is dehydrated, the body’s soft tissues are less elastic. This puts at greater risk for injury those hot yoga students who push themselves to stretch deeply. But when the body is well-nourished, we feel more liquid than solid. The body and mind feel flexible enough to arise to whatever spontaneous challenges the present moment brings. Anticipate what your body needs, and during summer consider investing in an electrolyte supplement. Set alarms on your phone to remind you to drink water. And when you arrive at Yoga Odyssey to take class, show up hydrated. Take small sips of water during your practice, and drink a full bottle of water, coconut water or electrolyte drink after class.