Julie Burrill’s Meditation Journey
Julie Burrill catches a mindful moment while meditating at the beach.
“Meditation? Are you crazy? I will NEVER be able to do that.”
At the start of 2021, I set out to create meaningful goals and get a deeper understanding of who I want to be. I confided in a friend who suggested meditation as an avenue for personal growth. I was always skeptical of meditation; it seemed a little too “out there” for me. Stillness and quiet have been incredibly uncomfortable for me since I was young, pushing me even further from meditation.
Until I realized that what I needed to connect the dots in my life was mindfulness. Like anything else in life, the beginning of any journey is difficult- and meditation is no different. I began to unravel thoughts, emotions, and memories that were deeply put away in my brain. And this was difficult to face. However, after working through that, I then began to uncover dreams, visions, and passions that I now let guide me through life each day as I work towards my goals. As we wrap up 2021, I am grateful for my mindfulness practice and where it has taken me. I’m also grateful for this friend, who is now my boyfriend, for guiding me to and through this intentional discomfort which has made me stronger.
Contrary to what most believe, meditation is not the absence of thoughts. It is getting closer to them. By spending time with stillness and listening to your inner self-dialogue, you get a deeper understanding of who you are at your core and how you can continue pushing forward- especially in times of hardship.
The human mind is a powerful agent for change. It can either take you towards happiness & fulfillment, or away from it- you get to decide. Just like we train our physical self through exercise, diet & sleep, the mind needs love, attention, and intention to become resilient and prosperous.
By taking 5 or 10 minutes a day to simply be kind to your mind you’ll develop gratitude, happiness, & a deep sense of self-awareness. So, I invite you to give meditation a try. And if you don’t think you need it, or you don’t think it’s for you, understand that YOU are the person who will benefit the most.
Julie Burrill
Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist